After working for so many years, you decided to use your money for greener pasture. Aside from that you borrowed a big amount of money from your relatives and friends. Plus you sold you gadgets and jewels at a very cheap price just to complete the placement fee. Then you learned that all those money turned into stone! The
recruitment agency you applied and trusted is illegal. And your money was gone..
So how do you know that your agency is illegal? Beware of the following sign of
illegal recruitment:
1. First of all go online and check if the agency is in good standing with the POEA - go to Google and Google the name of the agency - you will see if it is in good standing ( or just go to the poea website)
2. Check if their POEA license is up to date - if it is not -do not deal with them
3. Cross check if there is a POEA Job order with the POEA - all job orders must go through the POEA first before it is allowed to be advertised in the agency - if it isn't with the Philippine Overseas agency - then the job does not exist!
4. Beware of up-front placement fees or fly now pay later deals where the Agency will lend you cash and ask you to pay a monthly fee plus interest -usually they will ask for your passport for "insurance" - you will end up paying a huge amount to get it back
Sadly there are many tales of woe involving OFW's who are scammed out of thier savings by unscrupulous people - however there are many agencies that are legit.